Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

Arienne Wiggins: Rupture and Repair in Coupleship

In this episode, Scott Feinberg explores the relationship between conflict and connection with guest Arienne Wiggins. They discuss the importance of creating a safe container for difficult conversations and the role of consent in engaging in dialogue.

They also delve into the source of conflict and the impact of trauma on triggering conflict. The conversation highlights the power of curiosity, validation, and empathy in navigating conflict and finding deeper connection.

They emphasize the need for deep listening and the ability to hold validation and disagreement simultaneously. The episode concludes with a discussion on changing seats of listener and receiver in dialogue.

This conversation explores the importance of slowing down and lingering in conversations, moving from validation to empathy, and the practice of empathy. It also delves into the resistance to feeling difficult emotions and the potential for creating change through conversation. The application of coupleship learnings to a geopolitical context is discussed, as well as the healing that comes from being heard and seen.

The ripple effect of healing work and the importance of sharing for clarity are explored. The conversation also touches on moving towards integration, defining feminism, and whether best to establish equality through equity or merit. The swing of tyranny and the need for caretakers are examined, and the conversation concludes with a focus on belonging and navigating conflict.

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