Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

Arjun Kumar:Coming Home To Your True Self Through The Healing Paths of Poetry + Meditation

In this episode, Scott Feinberg interviews Arjun Kumar, a meditation and mindfulness teacher, guide, and psychedelic integration coach. They discuss the human journey, the importance of self-inquiry, and the role of meditation as a rebellion against societal conditioning.

Arjun shares a powerful poem titled 'Meditation is for the Rebels' that encourages individuals to use meditation as a tool for personal growth and transformation. They also explore the necessity of relationships in the healing process and the impact of the default mode network on our thoughts and behaviors. This conversation explores the influence of well-intentioned advice and the need to reclaim our own perspective. It delves into the impact of fatherly influence and the importance of befriending triggers and doing inner child work.

The conversation also emphasizes the practice of mindfulness and self-reflection, as well as the regulation of the nervous system and seeking co-regulation. Different meditation practices are discussed, including sitting still and being quiet, and the journey from concentration to expanded awareness. The importance of emptying and aligning with the divine is highlighted, leading to the realization that we are the entire ocean in a drop.

This conversation explores the journey within through meditation, the interconnectedness of all things, thoughts on God, the longing and seeking for something greater, the power of devotion and surrender, the continuous process of dying and rebirth, and the importance of infusing every word and act with the heart. The conversation concludes with gratitude and love for the connection and the opportunity to explore the richness of life.

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